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[Firmware Update] HDR Night Vision (DR900S) and New GPS Tracking (DR900S/DR750S/DR650S/DR650GW)

We just updated the firmware of all our Cloud dashcams to support enhancedGPS Tracking capabilities.

All current and past Cloud models are receiving an update, including the DR650GW Series which was the first Cloud-compatible model back in 2015. ;

Additionally, the DR900S Series is getting an upgrade withHDR Night Vision(learn more in this dedicated post).

DR900S Series (version 1.012), DR750S Series (version 1.017)


  • DR750S Series (DR750S-1CH, DR750S-2CH, DR750S-2CH IR and DR750S-2CH TRUCK)
  • DR900S Series (DR900S-1CH, DR900S-2CH, DR900S-2CH IR)


  1. NewHDR Night Vision for the front (4K) camera (DR900S Series only)
    1. Replaces the Night Vision setting (the rear camera will still apply Night Vision).
    2. Preserves highlights day and night. ;
    3. Better colors and sharpness.
  2. GPS Tracking improvements (Any Paid Cloud Plan)
    1. GPS polling rate increased for better accuracy (1 minute –> 15 seconds). ;
    2. Multiple usability improvements.
    3. Not supported by the BlackVue Mac Viewer. ;
  3. Video On Map (Fleet Plan only)
    1. In GPS Tracking mode, play auto/manually uploaded videos right from the the map. ;
    2. Not supported by the BlackVue Mac Viewer. ;
  4. Quick View Notifications update (Any Paid Cloud Plan):
    In case of Event, access the video directly from the push notification or via the Notifications menu in the BlackVue App/Viewer. ;

“» Compatible software versions:
BlackVue App: Android v2.91/ iOS v2.91 and up.
BlackVue Viewer: Windows v2.08 / Mac v1.33 and up.


DR650S Series (version 1.014)


  • DR650S-1CH
  • DR650S-2CH
  • DR650S-2CH IR
  • DR650S-2CH TRUCK


  1. GPS Tracking improvements (Any Paid Cloud Plan)
    1. GPS polling rate increased for better accuracy (1 minute –> 15 seconds). ;
    2. Multiple usability improvements.
    3. Not supported by the BlackVue Mac Viewer. ;
  2. Video On Map (Fleet Plan only)
    1. In GPS Tracking mode, play auto/manually uploaded videos right from the the map. ;
    2. Not supported by the BlackVue Mac Viewer. ;

“» Compatible software versions:
BlackVue App: Android v2.91 / iOS v2.91 and up.
BlackVue Viewer: Windows v2.08.


DR650GW Series (version 2.011)


  • DR650GW-1CH
  • DR650GW-2CH
  • DR650GW-2CH IR


GPS Tracking improvements (Any Paid Cloud Plan)

    1. GPS polling rate increased for better accuracy (1 minute –> 15 seconds). ;
    2. Multiple usability improvements.
    3. Not supported by the BlackVue Mac Viewer. ;

“» Compatible software versions:
BlackVue App: Android v2.91 / iOS v2.91 and up.
BlackVue Viewer: Windows v2.08.




Make sure to use the latest versions of ;the BlackVue Viewer and App ;for full compatibility when installing a new firmware version.

How to upgrade:

Via computer:
Go to the ;DOWNLOADS ;page to access the latest firmware and installation instructions.

Via the BlackVue App:
Download the firmware to your mobile device (Menu button ; ;on the app’s Home screen > Firmware download) and do a Firmware Over-The-Air upgrade (BLACKVUE WI-FI > Gear icon ; ;> Firmware upgrade (FOTA)). ;
Tip: make sure to download the firmware ;before ;you connect to your BlackVue in Wi-Fi (since the BlackVue won’t give you the internet connection necessary to download the firmware). If you are already connected to your BlackVue, then disconnect first, download the firwmare, then connect to the BlackVue’s Wi-Fi again. ;

Over the Cloud:
See how to easily update your firmware with BlackVue CloudHERE.

Share your feedback and suggestions

If you have suggestions for new features and improvements, feel free to join our ;Community hosted in the BlackVue Help Center. ;

Thank you!

DR650GW SeriesDR650S SeriesDR750S SeriesDR750S-1CHDR750S-2CHDR750S-2CH IRDR750S-2CH TRUCKDR900S SeriesDR900S-1CHDR900S-2CHFirmware