Whether you’re traveling to see a friend or family member, you’re on a long business trip, or you’re starting out the road trip of a lifetime, there are some essentials that everyone should consider for their safety, protection, compliance, and overall comfort on a long drive. Out on the road, there are unexpected things that can happen. Being hundreds of miles away from home, you need to be prepared.
Sleep And Rest Are Important
So, how to prepare for a long drive? First of all, make sure you arewell rested before your trip. A good night’s sleep before the drive can go a long way. You should think about the driver’s exhaustion before you actually get in your car. Make sure you get at least seven hours of interrupted sleep the night before. It’s also recommended to start your drive in the morning.
Being well rested is not all, though. You shouldplan ahead for the rest stops along the way – this way you can schedule them so they align with your mealtime or when you arrive at some interesting tourist spot. You can kill two birds with one stop and don’t feel like you’re wasting any more time than necessary. Just make sure to have at least a quick stop every 100 miles (around 2 hours of driving) or so to avoid driver’s fatigue. It’s been proven thatdriver’s tiredness accounts for 20% of all fatal accidents on the road, so don’t underestimate the power of a rest stop!
Rest stops don’t have to be boring – you can stretch your legs and let your mind clear while sightseeing!
Get Plenty Of Water
An important thing is tostay hydrated. Check if your water supply is sufficient (at least until your next rest stop). You should drink water before you feel thirsty, especially during hotter days when your air conditioning is on full blast and the air inside the car is drier than usual. You might be hesitant to drink so much, as it may mean more frequent trips to the bathroom. And that is not always a viable option on the road. But hey, bathroom breaks can count asrest stops, too!
Make sure you pack plenty of water for your trip.
Whether travelling alone or with family members, it’s good to have someentertainment on board. Long stretches of expressways or roads going straight through an unchanging landscape can get pretty boring after a while. You could load up your favorite audiobook or podcast, or play some well-tested roadtrip games with your kids (how about “I spy with my little eye…”�?). That way everyone in the car will stay engaged and entertained. There’s one thing to remember though – whatever it is, never let it distract you from the road!
Engage your passengers in fun road trip games.
Then, of course, there are a few items you shouldn’t forget when going for a long drive.
Don’t Forget These Items
What exactly should make your long drive checklist? We’re glad you asked:
- GPS:Whether it’s inside your phone or you use an external GPS system, you need some kind of electronic that will ensure you get to where you’re going without getting lost. This is especially important if you don’t have maps and want to keep your eyes on the road. There could be detours or changes in road systems that can throw you off schedule – a GPS will ensure you get there on time. While on the subject of GPS navigation: make sure you set up your destinationbeforestarting your drive.
Oh, and here is another one: do not trust your navigation system blindly, especially if you are going to drive on unfamiliar roads. Navigation systems have made tons of progress, getting updates fairly quickly. That doesn’t mean they’re perfect, though. In doubt, always trust the road signs and be particularly careful in case of roadside construction works: these could cause traffic rerouting and your navigation system could end up giving you inappropriate instructions as a result.
GPS is an essential item during a long drive.
- Car Chargers for Phones/GPS:You want to make sure your important electronics are powered up and ready to take on the road. Make sure you have a USB plug that either fits into a normal USB outlet, or even a cigarette outlet. Check out the car ahead of time to ensure you have the right charger for the car and your phone.
- BlackVue Dashcam:It’s better to be safe than sorry. Whether someone backs into your car, a cop claims you were speeding when you weren’t, or anything else happens to your vehicle, you want video evidence so you are not liable or in trouble with the law. Although we don’t want to think about these realities, it’s better to be prepared.Make sure to backup important footage and format the microSD card before the trip. This way you can ensure you won’t lose any footage recorded previously on your BlackVue’s microSD card. Then, additionally,you can format the microSD card to ensure best performance during your trip.
BlackVue dashcam will give you a peace of mind during your long trip.
- Gas App or EV App:You are going to need to refill gas or plug in your electric car throughout the trip. It’s best to look up gas stations and EV stations ahead of time so you know if you’re going to hit a patch of 100-miles without any stops. You can download an app that keeps you abreast, map it out yourself ahead of time, or even pack a spare container of gas in the trunk just in case.
- First Aid Kit:Weather can be unruly out on the open road. Be sure to have a basic first aid kit with a flare included in case something like a blizzard, avalanche, mudslide, etc. occurs and you need a rescue team to find you. The kit should also have Band-Aids, disinfectants, and other health essentials that can be the difference between life and death.
Although it’s unlikely anything drastic will happen to you on a long drive, it’s best to be prepared.
The4K UHD BlackVue DR900S-2CH Dashcam can keep up with all of your travels and produce high quality video that can protect your name and your belongings. When we’re unfamiliar with a new area, we’re not always sure how safe the surroundings are going to be – it’s better to keep an eye on it via the BlackVue dashcam lens.
With the list and tips above, you can be sure you will be well prepared for your long drive. Safe driving!