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BlackVue Cloud Subscriptions Update and New site

BlackVue’s Cloud service is evolving with a new brand name, overhauled subscription plans and updated website. ;

BlackVue Over the Cloud becomes BlackVue Cloud

First of all, the service you knew under the name “BlackVue Over the Cloud” has been rebranded “BlackVue Cloud”. It is the same dashcam Cloud service for individuals but with a shorter name. That’s it.

BlackVue Fleet Tracking remains as our turnkey service geared towards businesses. to manage your Cloud account

The new website is designed for both individuals and businesses and lets you log in to manage your Cloud account, whether you have a free or paid subscription. ;

Most importantly, this is where you will need to go to upgrade from a Free Plan to a Fleet Plan. ;

Upgrade to BlackVue Fleet Tracking

If you would like to use BlackVue Fleet Tracking, is the place to go to upgrade your Free account.
Note: only a Free Cloud account can be upgraded to Fleet Tracking. If you have another type of account (new Smart or legacy Basic or Smart), you must first change it to Free before upgrading to Fleet Tracking. If you have any question, feel free to contact our Support team at [email protected].

The reason for this state of facts is that in-app subscriptions are managed by Apple (for iOS) and Google (for Android). Hence, anything related to in-app subscription have to be managed through Apple or Google.

Simplified pricing and plans

With this update come major changes. First, the Basic Plan is going away, while the new Smart Plan starts from a single dashcam and up to three, instead of a fixed three-dashcam deal. ;

Last, the Fleet Plan is removed from the BlackVue App and will now be available exclusively via ;


Before: ;


Free Plan

Basic Plan

Smart Plan

Fleet Plan (via App)

Fleet Plan (via Paypal)

Subscription fee None $9.99 per month ; $19.99 per month $19.99–299.99
Per month
Per month ;
Max. Dashcams/Account 1 1 3 29 100
Live view / day 10 minutes Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Remote Video
Playback and Download / Month
100 times 300 times 600 times 600 times (+50/extra dashcam)) 600 times (+50/extra dashcam))
Cloud Storage 5GB 10GB 15GB ; 15GB (+5GB/extra dashcam) 15GB (+5GB/extra dashcam)



Free Plan

Smart Plan

Fleet Plan

Subscription fee None $11.99/month
(+ $9 per extra dashcam)
(+ $15 per extra dashcam)
Max. Dashcams per Account 1 3 999
Users per Account 1 1 Master: 1 / Submaster: 10
User: 3 per dashcam
Live view / day 10 minutes Unlimited Unlimited
Remote Video
Playback and Download / Month
100 times Unlimited Unlimited
Cloud Storage 5GB 5GB per dashcam 15GB per dashcam


Most significant changes

The main changes to the plans, beside pricing, are as follows: ;

  • Free Plan: no changes. ;
  • Smart Plan:
    • Flexibility to manage up to 1, 2 or 3 dashcams(with monthly subscription and Cloud storage adjusted accordingly) instead of just 1 or 3 with the legacy Basic and Smart plans.
    • Unlimited Remote Video Playback and Downloads per month (limited to 300 and 600 times respectively with the legacy Basic and Smart plans). ;
  • Fleet Plan: ;
    • Possibility tomanage up to 999 dashcams (vs 100 previously). ;
    • Multiple account management (Master, Submaster, User).
    • Unlimited Remote Video Playback and Downloads per month (limited to 600 times + 50 times per extra dashcam with the legacy Fleet Plan). ;
    • Three times more Cloud storage for each extra dashcam added to the plan beyond the first one (15GB vs 5GB).
    • Pay-what-you-use pricing for extra dashcams, offering better flexibility to add dashcams anytime without paying for past unused days in a given period. ;


What does it mean for existing users?

Good news for existing users: you retain your legacy subscription and monthly fee while gaining the advantages offered by the new plans.

Note that if you interrupt your subscription and subscribe again, the new rates will apply.

For users who purchased dashcam slots in the past, you can read abouthow to get a free upgrade to Fleet Plan here.

BlackVue CloudBlackVue CloudBlackVue Fleet Tracking