There is a new member in the BlackVue family of dashcams! The DR590W Series comes in single (DR590W-1CH) and dual-channel (DR590W-2CH) versions.
W stands for Wi-Fi
The DR590W Series will look almost identical to the DR590 Series, except for one important detail: Wi-Fi connectivity. ;
The DR590W-1CH and DR590W-2CH allow you to use the BlackVue App for iOS and Android to adjust settings, see what your camera sees (to adjust its angle on the fly), and of course download videos to your phone. ;
Wi-Fi is also handy to perform Firmware Over The Air (FOTA) upgrades by uploading the firmware from your phone to your dashcam, without the need to take out the microSD card. ;
Does it have the Cloud? ;
No, the DR590W Series is not compatible withBlackVue Cloud.
The DR590W Series models are simple Wi-Fi dashcams. They represent a great value for users who want the convenience of wireless control via an app but don’t have the need for Cloud capabilities. ;
Other specs
- Full HD high-quality sensor: both models are Full HD dashcams sporting a Sony STARVIS™ image sensor in the front camera. ;
The DR590W-2CH is Full HD (front and rear) at 30 frames per second.
The DR590W-1CH is Full HD and supports up to 60 frames per second, as well as an Extreme Mode (25 Megabits per second). - Adaptive Format Free File Management System: ;minimizes risks of error and the need for microSD card formatting. ;
- Parking Modesupport as a standard, including Scheduled Reboot.
- External GPS (optional): an external GPS receiver can be connected to the dashcam to log location and overlay speed data on your videos. ;
Launch Event: Free GPS Receiver
Until March 11, 2018, receive a free External GPS Receiver with your order ofDR590W-1CH orDR590W-2CH from the BlackVue Online Store.
Whether you choose the option with External GPS Receiver or not, a free External GPS Receiver will be shipped to you with your order.
STARVIS is a trademark of Sony Corporation.