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Upgrade Your Dashcam Firmware Over the Cloud with Cloud FOTA

Updated: 2021-06-04

Cloud FOTA upgrade is now available for DR900S and DR750S models, introducing an easy way to upgrade your firmware remotely.
This means you will be able to update your dashcam over the Cloud starting from the next firmware version.

All BlackVue users can already update their Wi-Fi-compatible dashcam firmware using FOTA (Firmware Over The Air): download the firmware to your phone using the BlackVue app, then connect to your BlackVue in Wi-Fi and update via the BLACKVUE WIFI menu.

Cloud FOTA greatly streamlines the upgrade process.

Compatibility and requirements:

Dashcam model:

In order to support Cloud FOTA, you must first upgrade the firmware using the “traditional” method (FOTA via direct Wi-Fi or using a computer to copy the firmware to the microSD card).

  • DR750-2CH LTE
  • DR750X Plus Series
  • DR900X Series
  • DR750X Series
  • DR900S Series withfirmware 1.008 and up.
  • DR750S Series withfirmware 1.013 and up.

Cloud account:

You must have a BlackVue Cloud account and your dashcam must be registered and connected to the Cloud.

How to use Cloud FOTA:

Upgrading your firmware over the Cloud is actually simpler than doing it over Wi-Fi or with the BlackVue Viewer.

Here are the steps to follow:


  • To use this feature,go to the BLACKVUE CLOUD menu in the BlackVue app (or Cloud Viewer in the desktop application).
  • When a new firmware is available, an icon will show near your dashcam’s name.
    Tap the 3-dot icon (⋮) > Remote firmware update > Update Now. The dashcam will start downloading the firmware and automatically apply it. You will be notified once the upgrade is successful or fails (once the dashcam goes back online after restarting).
    Make sure the dashcam is powered at all time during the upgrade process.

Of course, to use this feature, a new firmware must be available in the first place. If you try updating while your dashcam already has the latest firmware, a popup will open with the message “Firmware is up to date”.

BlackVue Cloud