
COPYRIGHT ⓒ 2025 Pittasoft Co. Ltd. All RIGHTS RESERVED

[BlackVue Cloud] Terms of Service Update (February 2025)

Dear BlackVue Cloud Users, 

The BlackVue Cloud Terms of Service will be updated on February 24, 2025, to include the Fleeta service. 

Fleeta is a new fleet solution that replaces BlackVue Fleet Tracking. It is built on the same cloud infrastructure and is compatible with BlackVue Cloud-compatible dash cams.

If you would like to learn more about the upcoming changes to the BlackVue Viewer and Fleeta service, check this blog post or visit

You will find below a summary of the upcoming changes.

  • Notification Date: Thursday, January 23, 2025
  • Effective Date: Monday, February 24, 2025

If you do not agree to the revised Terms of Service, you may request membership cancellation or raise objections through our Customer Support Team at [email protected].

However, if no objections are raised during the notice period, it will be deemed that you agree to the revised Terms of Service, which will take effect from the implementation date.

We will continue to strive to provide better services.

Thank you.

English version:

PurposeCurrent…with regard to use of the BLACKVUE CLOUD service and various related services provided by the Company.
Amendment…with regard to use of the BLACKVUE CLOUD service, FLEETA service, and various related services provided by the Company.
Explanation of ServiceCurrent• The ‘BLACKVUE CLOUD Service’ provided by the Company…
• In instances where a ‘BLACKVUE CLOUD Service’ account has been…
• In instances where only a ‘BLACKVUE CLOUD Service’ account has been created…
Amendment• The ‘BLACKVUE CLOUD Service’ and ‘FLEETA service’ provided by the Company…
• In instances where a ‘BLACKVUE CLOUD Service’ or ‘FLEETA service’ account has been…
• In instances where only a ‘BLACKVUE CLOUD Service’ or ‘FLEETA service’ account has been created…
Provision of ServiceCurrentThe Company may provide the following services to members:
• Provide the BLACKVUE CLOUD Service application
AmendmentThe Company may provide the following services to members:
• Provide the BLACKVUE CLOUD Service application
• Provide the FLEETA Service application
AdditionFLEETA and BLACKVUE CLOUD are separate services, and the following conditions apply:
• The plan that members subscribe to determines the apps or web services they can access.
• FLEETA requires members to access the service via dedicated web and mobile apps.
• Members subscribed to a FLEETA plan cannot use the BlackVue app.
• Members subscribed to a BLACKVUE CLOUD plan cannot use the FLEETA dedicated web and mobile apps.
• If a member switches from a FLEETA plan to a BLACKVUE CLOUD plan, access to the FLEETA web and mobile apps will be terminated, and access to the BlackVue app will be restored.
• Conversely, switching from a BLACKVUE CLOUD plan to a FLEETA plan will restrict access to the BlackVue app, and the member will be required to use the FLEETA web and mobile apps.
Charged ServiceAdditionWeb Purchases
• The web app may include Web Purchases that allow a member to unlock features or functionality within the web (for example, access to premium features/content or subscription services).
Payments for one-off purchases will be charged immediately upon completion of the transaction.
For subscriptions (e.g., monthly or yearly), the total amount will be charged at the beginning of the subscription term.
Subscriptions automatically renew for an additional period equal in length to the expiring subscription term unless canceled by the member.

• For any inquiries or issues related to billing for services, including refunds or payment-related issues, members should contact the Company directly.

• Members can manage their subscriptions and cancel them through the designated web platform.

A subscription must be canceled before it renews to avoid billing for the next subscription period.
If a member cancels a subscription, they will continue to receive the subscription services until the end of the current subscription period.

Korean version:

항목변경 사항세부 내용
제 1조 (목적)추가본 서비스 이용약관(이하 “ 본 약관” 이라 합니다)의 목적은 회사가 제공하는 ‘블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스 및 기타 서비스
→ 본 서비스 이용약관(이하 “ 본 약관” 이라 합니다)의 목적은 회사가 제공하는 ‘블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스, FLEETA 서비스 및 기타 서비스
제 5조
(용어의 정의)
추가‘서비스’는 회사가 회원에게 제공하는 블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스 기타 이와 관련하여
→ ‘서비스’는 회사가 회원에게 제공하는 블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스 및 FLEETA 서비스 기타 이와 관련하여
제 7조
(서비스 내용)
추가회사가 제공하는 ‘블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스’는 다음과 같은 방법…
→ 회사가 제공하는 ‘블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스 및 FLEETA 서비스’는 다음과 같은 방법…

① ‘블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스’ 회원 계정만 생성한 경우
→ ① ‘블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스 및 FLEETA 서비스’ 회원 계정만 생성한 경우

② ‘블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스’ 회원 계정에 영상기록장치를 등록 및 연결한 경우:
회사는 ‘블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스’ 회원 계정을…
→ ② ‘블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스 및 FLEETA 서비스’ 회원 계정에 영상기록장치를 등록 및 연결한 경우:
회사는 ‘블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스 및 FLEETA 서비스’ 회원 계정을…
표 수정 ‘제공 플랫폼 → 제공 플랫폼(블랙뷰 클라우드) / 제공 플랫폼(FLEETA)’로 분리
제공 플랫폼(블랙뷰 클라우드)에서 ‘웹 브라우저’ 제거
‘지오펜싱’ 및 ‘Fleet 매니지먼트’를 FLEETA에만 적용
제 14조
(서비스 등 제공)
추가1. 블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스 어플리케이션 제공.
→ 1. 블랙뷰 클라우드 및 FLEETA 서비스 어플리케이션 제공.
• FLEETA와 블랙뷰 클라우드는 별도 서비스이며, 다음 조건이 적용됩니다
◦ 회원이 선택한 요금제에 따라 접근 가능한 웹과 앱이 결정됩니다.
◦ FLEETA 서비스는 전용 웹 및 모바일 앱을 통해서만 접근 가능합니다.
◦ FLEETA 서비스 구독자는 블랙뷰 앱을 사용할 수 없습니다.
◦ 블랙뷰 클라우드 서비스 구독자는 FLEETA 서비스 전용 웹 및 모바일 앱을 사용할 수 없습니다.
◦ FLEETA 서비스 구독에서 블랙뷰 클라우드 구독으로 전환 시 FLEETA 서비스 웹과 앱의 접근이 제한되고, 블랙뷰 앱을 사용해야 합니다.
◦ 블랙뷰 클라우드에서 FLEETA로 전환 시, 블랙뷰 앱 사용이 제한되며 FLEETA 웹과 앱을 사용해야 합니다.

Japanese version:

1. 目的追加本利用規約の目的は、Pittasoft株式会社(以下「当社」と)と会員との間での、BLACKVUE CLOUDサービスお…
→ 本利用規約の目的は、Pittasoft株式会社(以下「当社」と)と会員との間での、BLACKVUE CLOUDサービス、FLEETAサービスお…
3. サービスの説明追加当社が提供する「BLACKVUE CLOUDサービス」は…
→ 当社が提供する「BLACKVUE CLOUDサービス」および「FLEETAサービス」は…

1.「BLACKVUE CLOUDサービス」のアカウントが作成され
→ 1. 「BLACKVUE CLOUDサービス」および 「FLEETAサービス」のアカウントが作成され

2.「BLACKVUE CLOUD Service」アカウント → 「BLACKVUE CLOUDサービスおよび 「FLEETAサービス」のアカウント
14. サービス提供など追加A. ブラックビュークラウドサービスのアプリケーションの提供
→ A.「BLACKVUE CLOUDサービス」および 「FLEETAサービス」のアプリケーションの提供
• FLEETAとBlackVue Cloudは別々のサービスであり、以下の条件が適用されます。
〇 会員が選択したプランに応じて、アクセス可能なウェブおよびアプリが決まります。
〇 FLEETAサービスは専用のウェブおよびモバイルアプリを通じてのみアクセス可能です。
〇 FLEETAサービスの加入者はBlackVueアプリを利用することができません。
〇 BlackVue Cloudサービスの加入者はFLEETAサービス専用のウェブおよびモバイルアプリを利用することができません。
〇 FLEETAサービスの加入からBlackVue Cloudの加入に切り替える場合、FLEETAサービスのウェブおよびアプリへのアクセスが制限され、BlackVueアプリを利用する必要があります。
〇 BlackVue CloudからFLEETAに切り替える場合、BlackVueアプリの利用が制限され、FLEETAのウェブおよびアプリを利用する必要があります。
