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DR650S-2CH Dashcam Video Review By Long-Time BlackVue User

Speaking from experience

YouTuber Nick Murray posted a great video review of the BlackVue DR650S-2CH dual-channel dashcam. Convinced of the utility of dashcam and with about 7 years of experience using BlackVue models, Nick is sharing why he chose BlackVue once again for his latest install.

Stealthy design

Like many BlackVue users, Nick found appeal in the signature tubular design of the BlackVue. That design makes it easy to hide the dashcam behind the rear-view mirror or, in Nick’s case, right along the upper edge of the windshield, without obstructing his field of view. The adhesive mount design, simple and functional, minimizes vibrations and keeps the lens close to the windshield so as to reduce reflections.

Options that fit his needs

There is also something Nick likes about the available quality settings. Although a lot of users like their dashcam to record at the best possible quality, the resulting bigger file size means less recording time can be achieved. Even though he uses a 128GB microSD card, the BlackVue allows Nick to set a lower image quality setting (with lower bitrate) –although still recording in Full HD– so that he can keep what amounts to a week-worth of videos on the card before the older files start getting written over.

The dashcam was professionally installed, along with thePower Magic Pro hardwiring accessory that allows for Parking Mode recording.

Notes about the Cloud features:

In his case, Nick does not seem to have use for the optional Cloud features of the DR650S-2CH. He assumes that the Cloud features are used for backing up videos once the dashcam connects to a user’s home Wi-Fi. We would like to point out a few details here:

The BlackVue currently does not work exactly this way, although it could connect to a home Wi-Fi access point. To enjoy BlackVue Cloud, we recommend to install a Wi-Fi mobile router in the vehicle, so that the dashcam can connect to the Cloud from anywhere.

Although backup is one of the possible uses for the Cloud, files have to be selected manually for upload (currently). BlackVue is working on adding auto-upload functions for the cases when Event files –triggered by impacts– are generated while in Parking Mode.

However, file backup is only one of many features of BlackVue Cloud. Indeed, one of the most useful aspects is the ability to receive instant Push Notifications to one’s phone when an impact is detected on the vehicle, especially when parked.

Other Push Notification scenarios can be configured, for when the dashcam connects/disconnects from the Cloud, or when simple motion is detected by the camera in Parking Mode, as well as when any Event recording is initiated.

In addition, the Cloud allows users to see in real time the views recorded by both the front and rear cameras remotely, and initiate a conversation with the driver.

All these functions are available both of the BlackVue App (iOS/Android) and the BlackVue Viewer (Windows/Mac).

DR650S-2CHPower Magic ProReview