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Blackvue DR900S-2CH 4K Dashcam Overview & Initial Impressions

We are sure you are all quite curious about our newest release, the4K UHD dashcams – DR900S Series. First videos and articles are starting to appear on the web, and YouTuberVortexRadar has already shared his initial thoughts and an overview of the main features of the dashcam.

In his short video he introduces the new DR900S Series and makes some quick comparisons with the previous BlackVue dashcam model, theDR750S-2CH (which records in 1080p and 60fps). Of course there will be a more in-depth review coming soon from him, along with more comparisons and some thoughts on the newPower Magic Ultra Battery. We will share these videos as soon as they are available, meanwhile you can subscribe to his channel to stay up to date.

Check the “Blackvue DR900S-2CH 4K Dashcam Overview & Initial Impressions” videohere or by clicking the thumbnail above.

DR900S SeriesDR900S-2CHReview