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[BlackVue Cloud] Facebook and YouTube Live Changes

Dear BlackVue Cloud users, ;

We would like to announce that some major changes to Facebook Live and YouTube Live streaming via Cloud-compatible dashcams and the BlackVue App.

Facebook Live no more supported

Due to recent changes made by Facebook on their platform, we are no longer able to support Facebook Live. Previously, we had to restrict the feature to Facebook Pages only, preventing streaming from individual accounts. However, this time the changes also affect streaming to Facebook Pages so we have no other choice but to officially cease support. ;

For now, you can still live-stream to YouTube. However, BlackVue Cloud support for YouTube Live streaming is also going away in the near future. ;

YouTube Live streaming support to stop in 2020

As we redesign our whole suite of mobile and desktop software, we decided to drop support for YouTube Live.

The change will take place in the first quarter of 2020. ;

The reasoning behind those decisions

Although we would have liked to continue supporting those features, the recent changes by Facebook and YouTube have made it difficult. In order to maintain support, we would have had to redirect resources to this project. Unfortunately, since those features are not central to the BlackVue user experience, we could not justify doing so. On the bright side, by dropping support for these features, our developers can focus on more critical areas of the app.

If you would like chime in, don’t hesitate to join theBlackVue Help Center’s Community. ;


BlackVue Cloud