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[Firmware] Updates for All Current Dashcams

Dear BlackVue Users,
We recently released firmware updates for all the dashcams in the current BlackVue lineup (DR750-2CH LTE, DR900X, DR750X, DR590X and DR590 Series), as well as the DR590W Series. The feature updates focus mainly on dual-channel models.

  • For DR900X, DR750X and DR750-2CH LTE models, the updates add infrared (IR) camera support.
  • For DR590X, DR590 and DR590W, the updates add a voice notification for when the rear camera is not connected.

Some of you might wonder why we added the latter feature to DR590X/590W/590 Series but not higher-end models, so here is an explanation. It comes down to the type of video cables those models use to connect the front and rear or interior cameras. The high-end models use acoaxial video cable, which is rather fool-proof–it’s either plugged in or it is not. However, DR590X/590W/590 models use ananalog video cable, which 3.5mm jack connector might hold firmly in place while not being inserted all the way. This would mean the rear camera would not record anything. To avoid this kind of situation, we added a voiced alert. That alert will play upon starting up or at anytime the rear camera gets disconnected while operating.

Models Concerned:

  • DR750-2CH LTE (all versions): v.1.004
  • DR900X Series (Single and dual channel models): v.1.004
  • DR750X Series (Single and dual channel models): v.1.004
  • DR590X Series (Single and dual channel models): v.1.001
  • DR590 Series (Single and dual channel models): v.1.008
  • DR590W Series (Single and dual channel models): v.1.006

What’s New:

ForDR750-2CH LTE, DR900X and DR750X

For those models, we added the following:

  1. Interior Infrared (IR) camera (RC100F-IR) support for dual-channel models.
  2. Russian firmware language support.
  3. Bug fixes and stability improvements.

For DR590X, DR590 and DR590W

For those models, we added the following:

  1. Added voice alert in case the rear camera gets disconnected (alert will play once upon starting up or if the rear camera gets suddenly disconnected).
  2. Russian firmware language support (DR590X)
  3. Bug fixes and stability improvements.

※ Compatible software versions:
BlackVue App: Android v3.14 / iOS v3.14 and up.
BlackVue Viewer: Windows v3.02 / Mac v3.03 and up.


Make sure to use the latest versions of the BlackVue Viewer and App for full compatibility with the new firmware.

How to upgrade:

Go to the ;DOWNLOADS ;page to access the latest firmware and installation instructions.

With Wi-Fi-compatible models, you can also use the BlackVue App to download the firmware to your mobile device and do a Firmware Over-The-Air upgrade via the BLACKVUE WI-FI menu. Tip: make sure to download the firmware before you connect to your BlackVue in Wi-Fi (since the BlackVue won’t give you the internet connection necessary to download the firmware). If you are already connected to your BlackVue, then disconnect first, download the firwmare, then connect to the BlackVue’s Wi-Fi again.

Share your feedback and suggestions

If you have suggestions for new features and improvements, feel free to join ourCommunity hosted in the BlackVue Help Center.

Thank you!

Clouddr590 seriesDR590W SeriesDR590X SeriesDR750-2CH LTEDR750X SeriesDR900X Series