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Guy Avoids Hitting Truck, Falls From His Bike #CaughtOnBlackVue

This video sent to us by BlackVue user Romain for the#CaughtOnBlackVue series shows a situation that could have easily ended in a more tragic way.

Romain stopped to let a truck (coming from the road on his left) pass. Unfortunately, a biker, who was behind his car, didn’t notice the truck and continued driving…

He stopped at the last moment, which helped him avoid hitting the truck, but he ended up falling over. His leg got stuck under the bike, but luckily Romain stepped out to check if everything is alright, and helped him to get up.

Watch the video by clicking the thumbnail above orhere!

We asked BlackVue users to send us accidents, near misses and other interesting footage they managed to capture with their dashcams. If you have a video you’d like to share, please send it to [email protected]. Include a short description, and your shipping address and phone number – if we end up using your video, you will receive a gift from us!

Caught on BlackVueDR900S-2CH