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How To Livestream To Facebook Via Your DR650S-2CH Dashcam?

All you need to know

Despite the title of the video, the YouTuberEastCoastJeepSRT ;actually takes us through the majority of the most important features of the BlackVue app. Of course, he shows us, step by step, how to livestream yourBlackVue DR650S-2CH dashcam feed to Facebook. But not only that – he also gives us a quick overview of the installation in his Jeep SRT and where to download and how to install our BlackVue Viewer (forMac/Windows). ;

On top of that, the video contains useful suggestions and tips, such as what data plan to choose to utilize theBlackVue Cloud feature. ;

Power Magic Pro vs. Battery Pack

Please note that in 3:27 minute of the video, it is mentioned that the Power Magic Battery Pack is connected to a constant power fuse via an adapter. We do not recommend to do this, as the Battery Pack will constantly draw power from the vehicle’s battery.Power Magic Pro is our recommendation for hardwiring. Other than this, you can safely enjoy ;the YouTuber’s thorough tutorial.

BlackVue AppBlackVue CloudBlackVueLIVEDR650S-2CHViewer