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Terrible Drivers And Near-misses Caught On Dashcam Feat. Subaru WRX

YouTuber Kyle, whose videos about BlackVue (unboxing and installation of theDR900S-2CH)we’ve already shown in one of our previous posts, uploaded another video demonstrating just how important having a dashcam in your car is!

In the video posted on his YouTube channel Kyle explains how he almost got into an accident because of a lady who suddenly changed lanes and cut him off. Had he actually hit her – only the BlackVue DR900S-2CH dashcam installed in his Subaru WRX would save him the hassle of a whole lot of ; inevitable”he said, she said”. For more details and actual footage of the whole incident, head over to Kyle’s videohere. You can also watch it by clicking the thumbnail above.

Caught on BlackVueDR900S-2CHTestimonial