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Unboxing & In-Depth Video Review of BlackVue DR650S-2CH

YouTube userAwkwardHamster has recently posted not one, but two BlackVue-centered videos on his channel! The first one is anunboxing of our new flagship Cloud dashcam model, BlackVue DR650S-2CH, andyou can watch it here. The second videos is an in-depth review of DR650S-2CH, which includes some sample footage, an explanation of the dashcam’s key features as well as the pros of having a Power Magic Pro accessory paired up with your device. You canwatch the review here or by clicking the thumbnail above. Definitely worth investing the 5 minutes you’re gonna spend watching this video, especially if you’re considering buying DR650S Series in the nearest future!


NOTE: A firmware update has since been posted (the newest firmware version for DR650S Series as of August 10 is 1.001, not 1.000 as the video states. Always check our website for the newest firmware updates –you can do it here!)
DR650S-2CHPower Magic ProReview